Ahmad Najat Ahmad

Currently MSc student at Computer Systems Engineering,

Day by day our office became bigger and more active, during our activities, we presented a seminar for freshmen students of computer engineering department, the seminar presented by one of our alumni (Mr.Ahmad Najat) from Computer Engineering. Mr.Ahmad discussed briefly about what is computer engineering, interest, challenges, career, necessary skills and improvement of computer engineering.

During the seminar Mr.Ahmad talked about his experiences in academic years and his career days since he worked in different areas and participated in many activities and projects. The seminar were enriched by participating two more of our graduates (Rawezh Ziyad from Copmuter Engineering and Rezhin Rahman from IT department) that they were attended, by sharing their skills with our students and giving some important notes to them about how to improve themselves in their field, also students were participated by asking their questions that were made in their mind.

The Seminar ended by giving our certificate to him.